尊敬的中國朋友們,我是淨臣(英國)有限公司運營總裁路易斯 · 喬納森。我在英國倫敦總部向廣大中國用戶致以誠摯的問候!
2019年,JCHEN正式進入全球最大的建築市場和製造業中心 — 中國市場,將高端建材生產技術和成熟的品牌運營經驗引入中國,中國運營團隊與各生產工廠共同為中國人民生活空間的環保安全作出積極的貢獻!
Dear Chinese friends,l'm Louis Jonathan, President of operations of JCHEN(UK)LIMITED. Atmy headquarters in London, l would like to extend my sincere greetings to the majority of Chinese users !
As a well-known building materials enterprise group in Europe, JCHEN has been committed to making due contributions to the aldehyde free and high-end gypsum board industry in the field of global building materials production since its establishment in 1996. As a European high-end gypsum board brand, the products have been widely used in the construction field of European countries. More than 8 production bases are all over European countriess to provide high-quality products and services for the majority of users.
In 2019,JCHEN will enter China,the world's largest construction market and manufacturing center, and introduce mature brand operation experience and high-end building materials production technology into China. The Chinese operation team and joint factories will make due contributions to the environmental protection and safrty of Chinese people's living space !
Thank you again for your great support to JCHEN products !
----------------------------------- General Manager Speech
茍懷肆方誌,所在可遊盤。作為國家住房商品化改革 20 多年全程見證者和親歷者,在裝修建材行業經歷了高速發展後的重要戰略轉型機遇期。2019,歐洲高端建材品牌英國 JCHEN 進入中國,作為 英國UKCA認證、歐盟 CE 産品認證通過企業,作爲人造板中國國家標準起草單位,凈臣建材將秉承科技創新、引領行業、凈化居住環境、生產環保建材為發展指導思想,助力“中國制造 2025 ”發展戰略,以“智造 0 醛生活空間”為企業發展理念,凈臣建材將在中國區努力打造成為建築裝飾材料行業全產業鏈無醛化的引領者!